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Affiliate marketing by Chinonsol(m) : 10:13 pm On Nov 12, 2019

If you want to be free start a business online that can work for you even when you sleep

How to start affiliate marketing and be free from your boss by Chinonsol(m) : 10:36 am On Nov 13, 2019

[quote][/quote]Have you been living the rat race life for quite a while and now you've grown tired of the boss breathing down your neck and the exhausting office politics? Or maybe you simply need an extra source of income? Whatever your reason may be, if you want some good decent income going your bank account's way, doing affiliate marketing can be a very viable path to follow.
One of the best ways to make the most bucks in affiliate marketing is through the creation of well-designed websites. Make sure that your site is easy to navigate and compels targeted visitors to convert - either to sign up under you as referrals or to purchase the products you are marketing. A quality landing page that has a call to action for your targeted visitors to do what you need them to do has excellent content that can either be texts that reviews the product, a video tutorial that lets visitors learns how to benefit and use the product well and a very conspicuous opt-in form.
for more details and information click . You can see me on Whatsapp +2347034756721 to get free ebooks to help you achieve your goals.

Why people fail in online business by Chinonsol(m) : 10:21 am On Nov 16, 2019

Affiliate marketing remains one of the best business online,but at times it could be the worst business anyone could ever invest in,but people are making it in affiliate marketing,why am I not making it as well?, let me show you some reasons why people fail in affiliate marketing
What is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a triple chain connection of the vendor (product owner) the publisher (affiliate, agent) and the consumer, simply put affiliate marketing is a system of business where an affiliate promotes a vendors products to the right consumers and receive a commission if a sale is made or action taken (CPC, CPA,PPC) . Now let's jump right in
Most people jumped into online business because of the figures they saw from gurus in affiliate marketing, and because of that,they just wanted to be involved, with getting to invest in their knowledge, they just went straight and start investing with the wrong idea and ends up losing their money, when it Comes to affiliate marketing, you need to know that it is not a get rich quick scheme,but rather it's a system that needs to be built with proper knowledge and understanding of the platform, when such is done,all you need is to keep on being updated with the latest invention and techniques to get more exposure to the right traffic. That means a beginner should go for course and tutorials,to be able to understand the platform,there a lot of free tutorials and course you can get out there even from YouTube and also Facebook group and also try to pick a niche (a platform that deals within a specific angle of functionality) example are health , make money online and many more, this is also another problem but could be solved if you have a good mentor
When trying to get a course or a tutorial, don't just be overwhelm by the tutors income,there are many fake influencers out there that could leaverage on your desperation,so what should you be looking out in a tutorial
1 The tutors bio and experience
2 The content of the course
3 The results and outcome
4 The follow up.
These and more you could check when looking for a course and the right mentor .

Many people fail to apply the knowledge they had gotten and kept on looking for more which results to what I call too much analysis no application,there is no how you could make it in affiliate marketing if you fail to apply what you have been taught, because application brings out the life of every knowledge,it also brings out the reality of every dream and vision

A LOT of people especially in Nigeria felt online business is a scam and highly disregard it, because of the risk involved but what are these risk in online business, every business has risk and there must be room for mistake,but such risk could be minimised if you have a great mentor in the online field, example is (Mrs Aderonke Bamidele) AkA the info queen,Dan Lok, John crestani, Kelvin David and more,then you should be able to skip some rough risk,but that doesn't takes all the risk away,it just help to minimise and build your trust in the online business and gives you a good chance of succeeding. Now let's go back to those that disregard online business,such people always complains of the increasing rate of unemployment,the idea of online business to them is an abomination,but let me shock those with such mentality, unemployment doesn't mean not having a job but it means not seeing a problem and an idea to solve it, I tell you this, "the online business is a big sea with lots of fish it all depends on how you throw or cast your net determines your catch."
I am also using this opportunity to announce the creation of my new YouTube channel that speaks more on financial freedom and motivation for Nigerian, Africa and youth all over the world,if you love this post hit the like button and comment "love it" or something inspiring, also I will be giving out my ebook titled "social booster and exposure" this book will guide you in all social media platforms and how to attract more leads to customer, you could get it for $30 if you comments interested, Note, this is valid only for the first 20 people to comment, "interested". After the first 20 people the rest could get it for $50.
If you love this post please share with your friends to help someone change their mentality, Thanks.

The best ways of starting and making money from affiliate marketing by Chinonsol(m) : 9:22 pm On Dec 27, 2019

The Power of Testimonials in Promoting Your Affiliate Sites:

Why They Work and How to Use Them

Someone's good word can be incredibly powerful. As a consumer yourself, wouldn’t you rather purchase a product that has been recommended to you by a friend even if it is unfamiliar to you? Given a selection of similar products, wouldn’t you rather try one that has had some glowing reviews even if you've never heard of them before? Such is the power of testimonials when used in promoting affiliate sites.

These days, testimonials are a common strategy for building credibility and generating buzz about a product or a company. The world's largest corporations spend billions of dollars in harnessing the power of a good word alone. In affiliate marketing, testimonials are regularly utilized to promote an affiliate's site, attract new customers and recruits and compete directly with another known brand.

Why affiliate marketers use testimonials

The role of testimonials in promoting an affiliate marketing site is to try to influence consumers' buying decisions and behavior. Carefully chosen testimonials can be very effective in convincing prospects to try the affiliate product, service or membership. It has such power that many affiliate marketing sites regularly publish testimonials from satisfied customers on their home pages for visitors to view.

Many of the affiliate marketing programs in the industry today are fairly new while others have been operating quietly under the radar. Their relative anonymity can work against them, particularly since the affiliate marketing field tends to be very competitive.

To stand out, affiliate marketing programs try to increase their credibility factor by inviting famous personalities to speak for them through testimonials. While this can be very effective particularly if the celebrity has a large fan base, it can also be quite expensive. Not every affiliate marketer can afford to pay a celebrity just to place their name on his site.

To compete, affiliate marketers turn to their own customers and members, specifically people who have had sufficient experience in the program and those who have experienced success. A fully satisfied customer's testimonial, if it's well-written and based on a true experience and event, can be as convincing and effective as that of any celebrity.

Using the power of testimonials for promoting an affiliate's site
Building your credibility can be tricky, particularly since the affiliate marketing industry continues to evolve. However, if careful strategies are employed, there is a high likelihood that you can succeed as an affiliate. Consider the following factors:


Testimonials exhibit much more power in promoting your affiliate's site if they are expressed in more details. If a testimonial from a customer or another affiliate states that the program is 'excellent', it should be followed by a specific description of the program's most useful features – what makes it excellent, how it has helped the customer or affiliate, why it's reliable, etc.


Believe it or not, skepticism is healthy when used with testimonials for promoting your affiliate's site. Words such as, 'I wasn't convinced at first, BUT…' or 'I have always used XYZ product and didn’t think of switching to another brand. However, your product has ____ and ____ features that convinced me it was so much better.'

Even with the stated objection, a testimonial can be quite powerful if it is followed by a positive statement.

Keeping it real

Avoid using fake testimonials. 'Designer' testimonials are easy to write according to the specifics you require but someone will get wind of the fact and expose you. Once you're found out, you lose your credibility. That simple act could haunt you for the rest of your life as a discredited affiliate marketer.

A few good words

Try to be selective with your choice of testimonials. They can be quite powerful when used for promoting your affiliate's site but over-use can work against you. Find the best ones, especially the well-written and detailed testimonials and use these instead. Or, you could take the best sentences and phrases and post those in place of a whole paragraph.
For more information check this out
Information About A Different Type Of Affiliate Program

Promoting music related websites through an affiliate program is an excellent way of earning some extra cash online. There are many websites offering good commissions on various music related products.
The music industry is huge, making the variety of merchandise equally large. This makes for a wide selection of affiliate programs potentially right for your website. You need to figure out what to promote, as well as how to promote the products. Often the content of your site will give you a good idea of what affiliate program to promote.

If you are reviewing records in any way, an obvious way of making affiliate commission would be to have a direct link to every record reviewed. Even though many internet users download their music, enough people still buys their records. There are many affiliate programs offering products such as; downloadable music, music players, instrument classes or instruments for sale, look around to see if you can find a good match.

Posters can also be a very good product to promote on non-art related websites with the right type of visitors. The variety of posters makes it a very interesting when using affiliate programs. Unlike most art, posters are not expensive at all. This is perhaps the easiest art related product to promote but the commission earned on every sale will be significantly lower. Selling paintings online isn't easy, but still some manage to succeed.

If you can find a successful website – selling paintings - with a decent affiliate program, you may have a good chance of making some nice commissions. Most paintings are quite expensive, making only a few sales go a long way. Finding good online web shops with an equally good affiliate program is hard in any small niche, paintings are no exception. But, as affiliate programs get easier and easier to join and implement, joining a new program is easier than ever. So, if you are not converting well enough, just find a new paintings affiliate program to try out.

Art affiliate programs - or any artistic program - can make a very nice addition to websites of many niches outside the obvious; Art. The reason for this is simple; most people like art. - Wait a minute, you think, that can't be right. But it is, the only problem you are facing is to figure out a way to intrigue as many of your visitors you possibly can. All types of affiliate programs are amazing and can bring forth great success to many people.

This is something that can finally give you the ability to make that amount of money that you have always wanted to make for yourself and you will have so much to feel proud of. Being determined can get you a very long way in this type of venture and a great deal of work is going to have to be completed as well.

An affiliate program can come in many different forms but the best thing about all of them is that they are the reason for so many people finally having the opportunity to do what it is they have been wanting to do for so long.
For more information check here [url][/url]

How to drive 3500 traffic to your website in 6hrs by Chinonsol(m) : 8:18 pm On Jan 17, 2020

Top 10 Proven Ways to Drive Targeted Traffic Your Affiliate Marketing Site

When you're involved in affiliate marketing, easily one of the most major concerns you'll have to face is driving traffic to your site. And not just any traffic – you'll need targeted traffic. Here are the top 10 proven ways you can drive quality traffic to your affiliate marketing site and increase your income-generating potential:

E-mail campaigns

Used carefully, e-mail campaigns can easily drive targeted traffic to your affiliate marketing site. This can be done by providing highly relevant and valuable information on the body of the message and then offering a link that will bring the recipients into your site.

You can do this two ways: one is by providing the full content in the e-mail message and then offering a link inviting the recipient to view more similar write-ups on your site. Another is by giving only a portion of the content and offering the rest on the affiliate site. A linked e-mail signature should also be included.


Informative and how-to articles, especially well-written ones, are proven traffic baits for affiliate marketing sites. Include links to similar or additional information within the content body that can only be read from your site and provide additional links on your signature.

Newsletters and e-zines

People love information, particularly those about subjects they are curious about or are involved in – which explains why targeted methods to drive traffic to affiliate marketing sites work best.

Offer e-newsletter and e-zine subscriptions, making sure that links bring recipients to your site. Use a separate landing page to handle the subscription process for your visitors' convenience.


Other than your affiliate marketing site, use a blog to get in touch with prospective customers and members. Blogs are considerably more personal and lighter in tone than most affiliate business sites and they can be a great source of information, news, advice and tips from you to your prospects. Include a link from your blog to your affiliate marketing site.

Social bookmarking sites

These sites are a rich source of targeted traffic that you can drive to your affiliate marketing site. Your market demographics are also easier to define so sending out invitations to potential leads and members is a lot easier.

Discussion forums and boards

By leaving useful and thought-provoking comments on discussion boards and forums, you encourage other members to react and send you a reply. You'll be able to build a networking relationship from here. Make sure to sign with a link back to your affiliate marketing site.

Guest blogging

You could drive another blog's captured traffic to your affiliate site by becoming a guest blogger. If you can write well and can offer unique and useful content, the site's readership will find you interesting enough to follow you to your own site.

Allow bookmarks on your web pages

If you have content, you can drive traffic to your affiliate marketing site by allowing your readers to bookmark certain pages. This will help promote those pages and your website to other people who might be interested in the same subjects.

Host a contest

Locate your target market and then promote a contest through ads or e-mails. All details must be found on your affiliate marketing website so you can drive traffic there. Registration must also be performed on one of your landing pages. Just make sure to offer prizes that visitors who will be coming in will find useful.


There's nothing like a nice gift to drive targeted traffic to your affiliate marketing site. It's easy to implement and can be relatively cheap. Furthermore, you offer these visitors an incentive to sign up for whatever campaign it is you're promoting.
I know, it sounds crazy, right...

Generating 3,400 website visitors in just 6 hours?

Is that even possible?

At what cost?

What kind of software could even help you accomplish that?

How many sales could you make from 3,400 website visitors?

How big of a list could you build?

When you've got traffic...

And plenty of it...

The possibilities are endless.

OK, so now for some details.

Yes, 3,400 visitors in 6 hours is possible

Are you going to get that every single time you use this viral traffic method?

Probably not...

But what if software only does 10% of what it's supposed to?

What would that do for your business?

Tell you what....

Don't take my work for it.

Just read the details for yourself

If you want MORE TRAFFIC with LESS EFFORT, this just may be the solution you need

How to create a clickbank account from a restricted country like Nigeria by Chinonsol(m) : 9:19 pm On Jan 29, 2020

Clickbank remains one of the best affiliate network to work with but most countries are not allowed to work with clickbank especially NIGERIA but in this internet business there is nothing that can't be penetrated in as far as it's a human that sets up the system to behave the way it works we could still manipulate,so I want you to know that in the online business world, anything is possible.
First you need to get this tools from play store or apple store
EPIC BROWSER (THIS browser will help you to change your IP address from Nigeria to a valid country like UK
Go to Google and search for fake name generator then generate a UK fake name copy the address, copy the zip code of the city,it looks like this(5fg st1)the country code is always +44 and phone number (in the address the up one is the street, the down address is the City, you will use the City to find the state of that city on Google, make sure you keep all this details)
Next you will copy the phone number from the fake name you generated
Use a brown new Gmail address
The next step is to get a payoneer account (you can copy this link paste on your browser to visit the website and create your payoneer account, follow all the steps and put all your real details)
After done creating your payoneer,go to your dashboard and go to global payment and tap the receive button, you will see your three internationl account copy all the details of the UK account) use the name of the bank and find the location of the bank name in UK,by using Google.
After gotten all this materials the next step is to go to your epic browser and change the location from Nigeria to UK
Now from your epic browser search for clickbank sign up.
When the site opens , click create account
Use your real name in the name column
Use UK as your country
use the fake phone number
Use your new Gmail address
put your password (include #$ capital letters twice and small letters twice (e.g #$GGhh) after filling the number part of the password)
Note: if you are having problem with the number filling it starting with +44(if only it Disturbed)
Agree to there terms and click continue
Then you will be taken to a page to complete your profile,note,this is the most delicate path so be sharp
now use those your fake address to complete the profile.
use the same fake number
on the payment mode use your real name.
and click continue (make sure you go through the recaptch to prove you are not a robot). click continue
A message would be sent to you that your account has been created and you should choose if to be help(click no)
A message will be sent to you to login
All you have to do now is to login and click affiliate not vendor,then you will be asked to login in again and just follow the steps and also link your payoneer account, don't choose check but direct deposit to avoid be banned . And that is it all you have is login and verify your email address, congrats you now have successfully created a click bank account.
SO GUYS that is it,but if you want to learn how to make money from your clickbank account, Copy and paste this link on your browser to access a free webinar
if you are having issues creating the click bank account send sms to 07058034742 and I will direct you.
IF you love this post give it a thumbs up and comment (yes)

How to make $4500 without a budget by Chinonsol(m) : 10:29 am On Feb 02, 2020

Go here if you do not have time to read and just want to get right to it and see how to Earn $4,000 A Day Without An Ad Budget

However, if you have 60 seconds, this email will be worth your while..

If you got it already, disregard all the words you see below and click here
But Look this is very important, so bring your phone or laptop close to your gorgeous face and read below.
Each and everyday people claim they want a better life, want riches, want to be skinny, want opportunities and want a girl or guy that will love them, rub them, hug them and s*x them properly.

Well let me open your eyes on one single phrase that allowed me to understand why the RICH think so differently from the poor..

And pardon me if you get a bit disturbed on my next statement, but keep an open mind as you slow diwn and read below.

You will never get what you want!!! Never!!!!
And I know what you're thinking,

Wesley why are you being soooo negative right now..

Hold that thought and keep reading..

(this is where the tire meets to road)

In life you don't get what you want, you get what you picture..

again ram those words in the back of your mind.. In life you don't get what you want, you get what you picture..

And the more and more you read this, you will soon realize it's true for one reason.. and one reason only.

When you believe in your heart that you will recieve something, you must first picture it clearly in your mind, before taking massive action

Just like you're doing right now..

still Confused?

Here is a clear cut example.
You may believe you can make $4000 A Day Without An Ad Budget just by simply clicking right here, that I haven't even released to the public yet.. and see $160,000 in your bank account on February 28th (rich people mentality)


You may not believe you can Earn $4000 A Day Without An Ad Budget clicking on the link the reason you may not believe that is this.
You're not picturing yourself clicking to see the offer and accessing the offer and seeing the commission checks deposited into your bank account.. (Poor people mindset)
So I ask you one question before I get out off my comfy bed and goto to the gym..

Which mindset do you want to claim for yourself Right Now? (click the one that applies to you)

Much Love,


Re: How to start affiliate marketing and be free from your boss by Chinonsol(m) : 10:40 am On Feb 02, 2020

If you need more information on this topic WhatsApp me on +2347034756721

How to start affiliate marketing and be free from your boss by Chinonsol(m) : 10:28 pm On Mar 04, 2020

Hello guys,and to all of my readers, I am going to teach the first 20 persons to contact me on WhatsApp +2347034756721, how I generate thousands of dollars online,I show you all you need but this training opportunity will end this week so better grab this offer. Registration fee is #10000 remember good things don't come by easily grab this opportunity and be your own boss

Re: The best ways of starting and making money from affiliate marketing by Chinonsol(m) : 10:33 pm On Mar 04, 2020

Chimasamuel319: Wow nice

If you want to learn contact me +2347034756721 on Whatsapp only

Re: How to create a clickbank account from a restricted country like Nigeria by Chinonsol(m) : 10:39 pm On Mar 04, 2020

I have a training that can teach you this business and show you how I make dollars every day but the registration fee is #10000 promo price it will end this week so grab it by WhatsApp me on +2347034756721

How to make money in the face of coronavirus by Chinonsol(m) : 10:10 am On Mar 23, 2020

Hello guys, today the whole world has been put into confusion because of coronavirus many countries like USA has decided to shut down some public gatherings, which has affected the economic state of the country,but seriously we need to be safe because without health no wealth,so keep yourself safe for your love ones by washing your hands, avoid crowded places,and be vigilant.
Since everyone is going to be indoors for some time, I know you might be wondering,how you could still make money,so today I am introducing you to a business you can do from the comfort of your home, and please note" you don't need a large audience, you don't need a website, you don't need to have large amount of money to start, because you literally start with zero dollar" all you need is your laptop or you good android phone,with good internet connection, and please this business is not affiliate marketing, drop shipping or any other business you have heard, this is a pure new strategy to make money online,if you are interested in knowing this business contact me on WhatsApp +2347034756721 or email me at
Thanks and stay safe.

Coronavirus:15 Secret Ways You Can Make Money Online (How Made $1000 Weekly)Now by Chinonsol(m) : 1:07 pm On Mar 29, 2020

15 Secret Ways you can Make Money Online (Earn Money Online) Now

Are you looking for proven ways that allow you to earn or make money online effortlessly?

Have you ever been frustrated being out of cash and no one actually coming to your aide?

Yes right? Don’t worry… I totally know that feeling.

Being broke is very annoying especially when there are needs or other little things you need to take care.

In today’s write up, I want to reveal different ways to make money online especially if you are looking to earn passive income online.

These proven methods are perfect for those looking to start an online business, those looking to work from home, those looking to make money passively online and those looking to make it a full-time job!

Without wasting much of your time, let’s get right in!

Contents  hide 

1 Here are proven ways to make money online effortlessly!

1.1 1. Affiliate Marketing

1.2 2. YouTube Channel

1.3 3. Logo Design

1.4 4. Instagram Marketing

1.5 5. Write for Blogs

1.6 6. Email Marketing

1.7 7. Language Help

1.8 8. Website development

1.9 9. Create Niche Websites Featuring Google AdSense Ads

1.10 10. Sell Photos

1.10.1 Sell Photos Directly from Your Website

1.10.2 Sell Photos Via a Third Party Website

1.11 11. Write an Ebooks

1.12 12. Start Blogging

1.13 13. Join Fiverr

1.14 14. Social Media Management

1.15 15. Start online Coaching

Here are proven ways to make money online effortlessly!

1. Affiliate Marketing

You can choose to sell other people Products online. You can start to market and sell other people products online and you get a percentage of what you sell.

It is a very big niche and you will need to read and learn a lot but you will make awesome income in this as hard as you work. People who are into affiliate marketing makes really cool money online (over $500/monthly).


Register Now for , Digital Marketing Training Starts Today, March 27, 2020

This  Digital Marketing Training will reveal proven strategies of how over 4,536 people we have trained in over 7 countries like you create the life they desire using digital marketing with just their laptop and internet connection to explode their sales, build successful digital marketing career globally, earn a living from offering digital marketing services while making a killing from affiliate marketing, eCommerce, dropshipping, mini-importation and YouTube…Learn how you can do it too… 

If you are enthusiastic about starting affiliate marketing, you can check out our digital marketing course that shows you everything about this.

Some of the top sites you can work on is Clickbank, Jumia, Aliexpress, Gerbest, Konga, Amazon affiliate program and more. (See more affiliate programs in Nigeria)

There are many ways to work on this you can start work without paying anything and you can start by making ads and sell traffic, but the important thing is to keep learn and always check all the new ways and the updates.

READ: How to Start Affiliate Marketing for Beginners | Step by Step Guide

2. YouTube Channel
Start a youtube account and make videos about your passion making money through Google Adsense.

After you’ve created several videos, it’s time to join the YouTube Partner Program. All you need to do is enable your channel for monetization, and you’ll receive your share of the income from video advertising on YouTube.

Just as the YouTube stars do, you’ll get paid for every thousand views on your videos.

3. Logo Design

Learn how to make trendy logos and do freelance work on many sites…

It is ALL FREE, you don’t have to invest in anything…

All you need is time, the skill and persistence.

Before you start, you just need to master a few tools — illustrator, Corel draw, photoshop etc

If you don’t know where to learn how to start making logos, you can find helpful youtube videos or search for courses on Udemy.etc.

You can also get inspiration from sites (, Dribble, Pinterest etc…)

Now that you’ve master logo design, you can go ahead to start freelancing sites such as — Upwork, 99designs, freelancers etc.

4. Instagram Marketing

Create an Instagram account and start making money online.

Growing an Instagram account is the hardest part but traffic is the lifeline of any online success. Growing an account doesn’t need to be hard, you just need to be seen. Start with…

Deciding on a Niche. Comedy, fitness and food are hot on Instagram

Think of a catchy simple name

Signing up

Upload about 5+ niche related pictures every day

Start creating awareness by following others

Comment and like same niche posts to be noticed

Once you are done growing your account followers…

Start connecting with brands. Use your platform to market other people’s product and services… Like a micro influencer thingy. Remeber to offer a free gift and collect emails and build your email marketing list for more marketing.

5. Write for Blogs

Write blog posts for websites and get paid to do so.

So, if you are a freelance writer who wants to make money writing but is tired of low-paying writing gigs, then here is a collection of websites that are paying some good money for your articles and blog posts. In other words, you get paid when you contribute content to the following websites and blogs.

6. Email Marketing
Build up an email list and sell courses and ebooks based on that topic!

You can easily Build an email list by offering a free Book or course from your own products and let the user download it from their email.

Or using many tools online to build this list like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, others.

Now that you have a list provided them with value, it’s time to think about the ways you can make money with your newsletter.

Are you new to email marketing, why not check out our digital marketing course page, register to book your chance to learn email marketing from one of the best digital marketing institutes in Nigeria!

The most important thing to remember when exploring ways to monetize your email list is to make it RELEVANT to your audience.

You can use your list and make money by:-





READ: How To Start Email Marketing | Free Email Marketing Guide For Beginners

7. Language Help

If you know more than one language you can help others by:-

Why not build an online course and sell it on or any other sites which sell courses… Or perhaps, Work as freelancer translator on,

8. Website development

Learn how to develop websites start by learning HTML & CSS and then you can go with how to build wordpress sites.

You will find Many online tutorials for FREE!! Yes for free just like this one I published sometimes ago.

All you have to do to be patient and learn how to do it step by step and work hard on it and you will have it…

Once you learn you can make Money through the freelancing websites or even work with big companies from home… And you can build complete websites and sell it on Envato Market.
9. Create Niche Websites Featuring Google AdSense Ads


Register Now for Digital Marketing Training Starts Today, March 27, 2020

This Digital Marketing Training will reveal proven strategies of how over 4,536 people we have trained in over 7 countries like you create the life they desire using digital marketing with just their laptop and internet connection to explode their sales, build successful digital marketing career globally, earn a living from offering digital marketing services while making a killing from affiliate marketing, eCommerce, dropshipping, mini-importation and YouTube…Learn how you can do it too… 

Creating popular niche sites can grab visitors looking for specialized information, and adding Google AdSense advertising links can be a great way to monetize the site.

You will need small investment but all you need is high traffic to make enough income from your website.

I’ve covered this topic in detail in one of my last blog article. See article below.

10. Sell Photos
Before we dive too deeply into the topic, you basically have two options for selling photos:

Sell Photos Directly from Your Website

Many photographers are startled by the idea of selling images from their own website because they think it involves an expensive e-commerce site and complicated payment gateways.

While this was true in the past, it’s now very easy to set up your own site to sell images.

If your website is set up on WordPress you’re in luck, as there’s a large selection of plugins and themes designed specifically for selling stock images.

If you don’t have a website and want to cut the cost, at least in your first steps in business then go to option 2 until you make some good money and then get back to option 1.

Sell Photos Via a Third Party Website

The easiest way to make your photographs available as stock images for sale is by using a third-party microstock website such as iStockPhoto, Dreamstime, Shutterstock, 123RF.

You’ll be paying a large commission on each sale for every image that you sell. These fees vary quite a lot between different sites and depending on the restrictions of the licenses you offer. Most sites offer between 20% and 60% royalty to the photographer per sale.

11. Write an Ebooks
Write an in-depth ebook about something you love and are good at. Sell it on Amazon, affiliate programs, Facebook, Instagram and other ad platforms!

If you are good at anything, it’s researching and writing. With the Amazon Kindle store, anyone can publish an eBook and make money.

And the Kindle app is now available on almost any device (laptops, iPads, smartphones and yes, Kindles) so your global market is huge!

List your book for £1.49 – £6.99 and you earn 70% of the sale. Considering Amazon is the ultimate selling machine (and remember people are looking to spend), that is a fantastic deal.

The key to success with eBooks is to create value, and write non-fiction. Simply bundling information you have researched and compiled on a common problem (eg. ‘secrets’ to finding a job) and then presenting it in an easy to digest format (an eBook) justifies someone spending a few quid on it.

Another big tip is to have a great cover designed so it stands out, and once your book is live on the Kindle store it’s really important to get some reviews so it shows up higher in results. Encourage readers to leave an honest review at the end of your book.

The best thing about this lucrative idea is that once you’ve invested the time (say 20 hours), you’ll earn a passive income for years to come!!!

12. Start Blogging

Create a website and talk about what you are good at and share it with the world! Monetise through affiliate links.

Writing entertaining, interesting blog posts can generate cash for you through ads, affiliate links and other revenue options. Your blogging success will depend on your writing talent, whether your blog covers a popular subject and the popularity of the links you include (whether backlinks or pay-per-click links, like Google AdWords).

And check this for making $1,000 – $5,000 Part-Time Income By Blogging With No Experience

13. Join Fiverr
Sell your skills on Fiverr and make money with this online platform.

Fiverr is now the world’s largest marketplace for people to make money selling small services (known as ‘gigs’).

What you offer could be absolutely anything, from writing and translating, social media posting, playing pranks and teaching to creating music, graphic design, voiceovers and short video clips for people all around the world!

The default price is $5, but you can attach extra services to gigs for more money. Whilst it might not seem like much, it can quickly add up and there are plenty of examples of people making a really good living from the site. The key is to get a system in place which minimizes the time spent on each gig.

But there is another way to profit even more from Fiverr for potentially far less work.


By simply reselling gigs elsewhere. For example, find a decent logo designer then reply to jobs on or even local classifieds. A $5 spend can easily become $50+, and it’s repeatable!

If you’re not interested in selling at all there’s SO much good stuff you can get done for yourself. Browse on Fiverr and get inspired!

14. Social Media Manager
Manage the social media profiles of a celebrity who doesn’t have the time to run them…

Or any brands all you need to do is replying to comments and share the news and get paid.

How to get your first Client?

Start with finding one major client. If you look at it that way, instead of thinking, “I need enough clients to make a living,” it’s a lot easier to wrap your head around.

Just focus on getting one client and try everything: networking events, LinkedIn, friends of friends, etc. Sometimes the first client comes from the oddest of places!

Advice to new freelancers: LinkedIn groups are great for finding opportunities and leads. Add value for your client: offer them ideas and suggestions above and beyond the scope of your contract.


Register Now for Digital Marketing Training Starts Today, March 27, 2020

This  Digital Marketing Training will reveal proven strategies of how over 4,536 people we have trained in over 7 countries like you create the life they desire using digital marketing with just their laptop and internet connection to explode their sales, build successful digital marketing career globally, earn a living from offering digital marketing services while making a killing from affiliate marketing, eCommerce, dropshipping, mini-importation and YouTube…Learn how you can do it too…

READ: Social Media Marketing Guide | Definition & Choosing The Right Platform

15. Start online Coaching

Set up an online site and offer coaching for a specific niche you are good at.


Decide what sort of coach or mentor you plan to be and what you can bring to this role. Options include setting up your own business as a business or personal (life) coach/mentor, taking an internal coach/mentor role within a business or working in the voluntary sector.

Consider what will make you a great coach or mentor and how your skills, experience and expertise will differentiate you from other coaches or mentors.

Identify what additional skills and frameworks you need and complete appropriate training, as required.

So there you go… These are my 15 proven ways to make money online real quick.

Although there are a lot more ways I have covered in some of the articles listed below. Please try to read through them to get more online business ideas that can make you money in Nigeria or any part of the world.

More articles on how to make money online:

12 Affiliate Marketing Tips that Separate Real Affiliates from Wannabes

Affiliate Marketing Content Tips | How To Create Interesting Content For Your Audience

How to Make Money on YouTube (Step by Step Guide for Beginners)

Want to know more about how our digital marketing course and membership programs can help you? Call us to have a chat: +2347034756721

IMPORTANT: Earnings Disclosure

Listen, there is no such thing as “easy or fast money”. In fact, if you believe that or are looking for some “overnight millions”, our programs are not for you. We hate this approach to marketing, career and business growth. We believe in time-tested, proven marketing methods combined with powerful teaching and lots of hard work. The income claims or results or examples you see on this site are some of the students who have taken what we teach and implemented it in their own business or career. We by no means promise or guarantee that you will get the exact same results as they have, your results may be higher or lower but most importantly, you only stand a chance of achieving some level of success if you implement.

In fact, as stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, business acumen, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, time you commit to applying the course lessons and a host of other factors. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee your success, results, or income level, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. 

We just want to help you by giving great content, direction and strategies that worked well for us and our students and that we believe can move you forward.

Some of the links on our website, which means that if you choose to make a purchase, we will earn a commission. This commission comes at no additional cost to you. Please understand that we recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions we will make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.

All what I've been walking you through about two days ago is just 5% of what I have for you.

_I need few selected people who are willing to invest in themselves and I'll help them achieve:_

**Making streams of income online,

**improve their sales,

**landing social media marketing jobs,

*By mastering :*

How You Can Generate $500 From Just A Phone Call(Secret Online Business) Now Day by Chinonsol(m) : 2:42 pm On Mar 30, 2020

Transfer of 210,000 Naira is made directly to your pay per call account every time someone calls your promo number and spends the required duration of minutes. That is easy $500 per call to the addiction campaign. As you continue reading,you will understand why I always call poverty a bastard.  Before companies begin to fire employees due to events of the world, learn how to make money comfortably laying down on your bed. 

Making money on a daily basis especially during this period is critical. As you are all aware there is Covid-19 also known as Corona virus. First we ask that everyone reading this should do everything possible to stay safe at home. The virus is spreading rapidly sparing no one on its path. Our prayers are with you all.

Making money in this critical period many are sitting at home, either through a lock down or special instructions. At this time the call volume at many call centers have increased significantly what this means for those that are running pay per call campaigns is that there is currently an overwhelming demand for callers by these call centers.

Imagine if all you get is just 3 valid calls in a week, that's $1500 (622,000 Naira, I hope you realize that the dollar exchange rate just went up in Nigeria)if you are promoting the addiction campaign. By the end of the month, you are likely to have earned about 2,490,000 Naira, this is no joke. For those that have tasted the monthly commission, you will understand what I mean. 

If you have the following tools, making money will not be an issue

Tools required 

Access to the internet 

A smart phone or computer 

Approved pay per call account 

Active promo number (ask how to generate that)

Access to the 30 day training ( Learn how to earn $200 daily)

I ran a campaign in the last 2 weeks and have received over 2000 calls to my promo number. The truth is that many are not leaving their homes; all they do is to pick up the phone and call, the results have been amazing. Trust me, in the coming months, many of you reading this will no longer see having one million naira as account balance as a big deal.

This is the best time to make lots of money on your approved pay per call account. If you have an approved account, pick up the phone, WhatsApp this number +2347034756721 or send a message on email to
How to apply for a pay per call account 

Here is a simple guide on how to get your own pay per call account, visit, apply as an affiliate, be sure to fill the form correctly. DO NOT APPLY AS AN ADVERTISER

How to make money in lockdown from home,Affiliate marketing,remains one of the b by Chinonsol(m) : 12:19 am On Apr 18, 2020

Looking for a way to make money from home,I know you want to make money in this lockdown,so click on the link,

Learn copywriter now by Chinonsol(m) : 3:43 pm On Apr 18, 2020

Either you join now and I take you by hand to help you discover the *goldmine* in *Copywriting* or you doubt it. Nothing will change.

Imagine learning a skill you can monetise within days and start earning from *home*. While others are complaining during this quarantine, YOU a have high paying skills to fall back on..that's the real *Plan B* or *Side Hustle* you know?

Clickbank account for sale by Chinonsol(m) : 6:44 pm On Apr 25, 2020

Hello, guys I have a clickbank account for sale, contact me if you are interested +2347034756721 on WhatsApp only

How to make money from home using your phone in this lockdown /coronavirus pa by Chinonsol(m) : 10:59 pm On May 08, 2020

Are you ready to make money online, then read through this post
Since the lockdown alot of business has sacked their workers, nobody is happy,but I tell you there some people who are still making and I can show you how to make money from just a little capital, I tell you ,you won't live to miss this opportunity, message me on WhatsApp today if you want to know how +2347034756721. Let's make money even in the face of this lockdown

How to make money from home, using your phone and laptop,with little set up by Chinonsol(m) : 1:39 am On May 09, 2020

ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAKING MONEY FROM HOME, EVEN IN THIS LOCKDOWN,then make sure read this post. it will change your life forever

The currency of the program is a Cryptocurrency called ETHEREUM.

Ethereum is the second most valuable currency after Bitcoin.

Ethereum can easily be converted into USD or Naira or any other currency of the world.

Currently, 1ETH = $198
In naira terms,
1ETH = N70,000

In the coming months, 1ETH is forcasted to hit over $600 further increasing it amount in Naira terms.


At level 1, profit is 0.01ETH OR N1000
At level 2, profit is 0.1 ETH OR N11,000
At level 3, profit is 0.4 ETH OR N45,500
At level 4 profit is 5.4 ETH OR N540,000
At level 5 profit is 32 ETH OR N3,000,000

You are paid directly to ur trust wallet, and can convert even the smallest amount of Eth to naira.
Million Money is a peer-to-peer funding system written into the ethereum blockchain.

Ethereum is a Crypto currency that is 2nd only to bitcoin and in the next few minutes, we will see the connection between this crypto and this funding system. And why this pair is making waves in 2020.

*Why MILLION MONEY Project?*

This is the best time to accumulate digital gold, imagine you accumulated 50 BITCOINS in 2015?
Just think about it....

You will be about $400,000 or N144,000,000 richer

now do you think this is an opportunity to be missed?

The million money project will help you achieve this,chat me up on WhatsApp +234 7034756721 to get more details.
Let's make money together.

How I invested #4000 in Eth /Bitcoin and made millions in two weeks by Chinonsol(m) : 2:37 am On May 17, 2020

*Imagine if u have put 200 naira in Bitcoin as at 2009 u would have gotten over 30 billion in your account not million.*

*Let's not make that mistake in Ethereum*

*That's why we're here to accumulate ethereum and make millions in months.*

*The Ethereum Million Money Program will help us achieve this..

*Come and make your own money even at the comfort of your home, all you need is a smart phone or laptop,10$ and hardwork. it's legit.*

According to my own prediction ethereum will hit $500 This year.
Ethereum price is gradually increasing again from 65k plus ($163) last week to 87k plus ($200) this week.
I told you befor, if you can't afford to buy Bitcoin, then buy Ethereum.
Now, if you can't afford 87k to buy one ethereum then join million money ethereum smart contract with 4k to accumulate up to 32 ethereum within 6 months.
Please don't ignor,take action, its up to you.
To start your own million money journey

*Click on the link*
Join our secret group where this hot meal is cooking now before the new group is filled up again just about 100 slots left WhatsApp me on +2347034756721.

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